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- Dining Tables
Round and Oval Tables - can be solid tops or begin Squares and Rectangles - can be any size including too big to lift. Include as many leaves as needed. Included in this category are clipped corner rectangles, and radius corner rectangles. Again we have no real standard sizes and will configure one to your specifications. We generally suggest 12" leaves with skirts. 12" leaves are easier
to handle without taking the chance of dropping or scratching the table,
but occasionally by special request we'll make 20 inch leaves. On the subject of table leaves, many folks ask about self-storing
leaves. Our preference is to avoid them if possible. Self-storing leaves are just slabs.
Yes you can store 4-6 slab leaves inside some table shapes. If the
leaves have skirts on them, you can't fit more than a
couple of leaves inside the table. The main reason we like and
reccommend skirted leaves is that if
the leaves don't have skirts, the table looks a bit unfinished when the leaves
are in the table. You'll probably be using the leaves when guests come
over for special occasions, and that will be the time to have things
looking nice. Plus they do add a bit of structural stability, so we
generally recommend them. Lastly there is always a chance that gunk or
spills can seep down on the self stored leaves leading to a cleaning surprise
when you go to install them. If you table is oval or rectangle, we are able to space the table slides a bit
wider if you wish and that allows you to store two leaves, skirts
down and side by side, under the top.
Another form of self-storing leaf is called a "refrectory" leaf. They are skirtless and self store on attached slides under the ends of a rectangle table. A bit more difficult to produce, but available none the less. Special Shapes - as we mentioned, we make tables to order, so if you have a special need , shape or design, give us a call. Legs and the Underneath stuff - Tables generally have either center legs
or pedestals of some shape, or corner legs. Any method can be utilized on any
shape table. Center pedestals are commonly turned or flat sided posts in sizes balanced
to the overall appearance. Choose rounds or flats to set the
design style of your table. Country or casual dining tends toward turned
posts while mission styles tend to trestle's and flats. We've probably
done them all. Look over the table picture pages for ideas. Corner
legs can be many shapes from queen anne to turned , flutes or tapered.
Each shape adds to the overall look, feel or style you choose. For the slides units that allow for adding leaves, for all tables other than four corner legged table (as in a "farmhouse" style table) we use solid hardwood, double geared slides. These allow you to easily pull back on one end while the opposite end gears away in the other direction. This makes it easy for one person to open and close the top. This obviously won't work on tables with four separate legs in the corners. Those still will take two people to lift and open the table. Look Over TABLE IMAGES for ideas... |